

昴宿星 20180104 新年新气象

昴宿星 20180104 新年新气象

 2018-01-09 Nick Chan NickChan
Beloved ones we greet you,


Humanity has moved into a new potential of awakening as another phase of the New Dawning energy has entered your planet at New Year.


At that moment when you entered the frequency setting of 2018 the Sun physically shifted its position, moving into a more direct path to planet Earth. This movement created a new multidimensional opening on your earth plane, as a series of expanded multidimensional settings of light rays from the Sun entered the planet. The Suns rays carry the emanations of God. This shift brings another form of the essence of God to the planet, and you are ready to receive this awakening. Earth has undergone a complete energetic reset since that moment of New Year.You, all of humanity have been moved into a different time continuum, into a new phase of potential for self-realization through this expansion of God consciousness that is flowing within the planet. Your Heart chamber is now in direct alignment to those multidimensional forms of God.


Through this reset there is a rapid process of acceleration in motion that is going to intensify your human experience, the human drama, while simultaneously you are being reconnected, reunited energetically to Self. Letting go and stabilizing within your Heart will be an essential component for flourishing at this juncture.


The actual physical shift between Earth and the Sun is revealing a series of new frequency settings of light that have been activated within the magnetic core of your planet and there is shift in the central pulse of rotation within the Earth. You are being changed through a new pure frequency patterning that is emerging. This design is being interwoven from the central pulse into your Heart cells. This developed patterning will strongly impact you, expanding your ability to realign within your own unique sacred aspect, which exists within the sphere of the Heart cells.


Your Heart cells are multidimensional and will fully respond to these emanations of God that are flowing onto our earth plane. As you choose, you will undergo a metamorphic process redesigning your Hearts multidimensional potential, through activating the chambers that exist on a multidimensional level within your heart.


You have been in a deep and continual process of not knowing over the past months, and now its as though the Suns rays carry a light to illuminate your path. You are able to move as a conscious community, as a ray of light, like a torch.


Through this New Year dawning, your potential for reconnection to clarity, truth and a remembering of your own essence unfolds through the Suns rays. We witness you as you unfold, we hold an energetic Platform to support you in your transition.


Blessings, The Pleiadians


通灵:Christine Day
翻译:Nick Chan

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 2018-01-09 Nick Chan NickChan
Greetings I am Mira. I am at your service focusing full-time on the Ascension process that you and your planet are going through. It is quite remarkable. You have made progress with adapting to and assimilating to rapid change. We marvel at humanitys adaptability and willingness to move through the requirements that are necessary.


We understand humanitys reluctance to change for their own good. Yet at the core of life and the heart of the earth life seems to realize that it has to go with the flow. You may have noticed how unpredictable the flow can be during these chaotic times. The turbulence pushes openings wherever they are ready. Although sometimes these can be painful they are important for growth and understanding.


We report to you today that the earth is in a fluid state. This means that one must pay close attention to what is occurring around them as well as what is happening inside. All is not as it seems. The earth is unleashing trapped forces that must be removed before the Ascension can be completed. Perhaps you can imagine what these forces have been doing on your planet. Their presence is getting expunged in a myriad of ways. They have been hazardous and detrimental to life.


We assure you that what you need to know will be revealed to you at the perfect time. Your job is to be ready to respond in any way where you feel you could be helpful. Your material world is falling apart. Just look around. Feel what your sensations are for the day. Some of you might feel that you are masquerading and wondering what will come next. You are between worlds.


Although you are in the physical form of the third dimension you are bouncing from the fourth to the fifth dimension and higher. This can appear as surreal. It is and will continue to be. Your job is to be as grounded as possible while filtering in the influx of light and while altering your consciousness.


You are adaptable beings, ground crew, stewards of love and kindness. We are working with you and a myriad of Galactics and many other beings of light to free life and the earth. Soon you will begin to see a parade of beings leaving this planet. They have held you back for far too long. They simply cannot match the resonance of the new earth.


Please remember that you are being assisted by all of creation. All you have to do is follow your path by listening to your heart. You are loved greatly and respected throughout creation. Keep flowing. Allow everyone their own choices. Know that even when things are challenging you will be able to move easily and quickly to come back into balance.


We are with you in love and light.


I am Mira.


通灵:Valerie Donner
翻译:Nick Chan

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Views 74




 2018-01-02 Nick Chan NickChan
Greetings to You Lightholder! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).


The information expressed here is that of my perspective my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.


You have read many times that what is occurring now, this ascension or upliftment of humanity and Earth is not only happening for us here on Earth but it is unfolding Universally. The entire Universe is being uplifted to a higher vibration and Earth leads the way, for what happens here affects all.


Isnt it ironic that one of the worlds that sunk deepest into the illusion is now followed and watched in awe by the Galactic Community as we move out of darkness fast towards the light, leading by example and causing waves of light to be magnified and affect the galaxy and beyond.


Yes it is true we are being guided and assisted by our Galactic Family and the Spiritual Hierarchy and Creator him/herself, but ultimately it is up to humanity to complete this mission, to continue striving ahead in unity. As a collective we have all ready made the decision to move forward, to leave behind the old and create a new world of peace and prosperity for all. With this we have showed the Galactics that our world is ready to become a member of the Galactic Confederation and be given a major role on the Galactic Stage. This will be just the beginning.


The time quickly approaches when Earth will be accepted as a full member of the Galactic Community and greatly respected and honored by all. When we soon meet with the beings from other star systems they will look at YOU the lightholder with astoundment and reverence, and feel as if they are dreaming when they finally SEE eye to eye with the mighty ground crew, the lightwarriors, whos light did not only change a planet but paved a new path for the galaxy and the Universe.


From 2018 and going forward the veil will begin to dissolve rapidly, this is not just from the light coming from the Great Central Sun, but it is also humanitys desire to creating a new world that is bringing the veil down so the truth can finally be seen by all. The ones that did not believe in any of this are soon to be shocked. Everyone who did not believe that your governments lied to you for millennia, that the entire system was designed to divide and enslave humanity, all are soon to see this.


One more thing that everyone will realize soon without a doubt that this world really IS changing. Many will begin to turn to YOU and listen to what you have to say because the signs will be so obvious that what YOU have tried to convey to others in the not too distant past is NOW manifesting in front of their eyes, they will see that the upliftment of this world is REAL and the old UNnatural world is fading.


Once again the light shines on the lightholders, so to speak. It is YOU who have been and continue to lead the way for humanity. This remains of utter importance that all lightholders as well as the rest of humanity, release the baggage of the old, meditate, breath deeply and PURIFY YOUR CORE, to make room for the greater light entering this world now, which is only increasing by the minute.


Many times it has been said that an AWAKENED one is more powerful than a million who are not. This awakened one is YOU dear lightholder.


The next six years are very crucial for this world. We cannot emphasize this enough, release, release, release the old and INVITE the new. In meditation take deep breaths and invite and envision a world of light, love, peace and joy. As we have said breath in LIGHT, breath out LOVE. There is no turning back. You have everything you need now. This mission is all ready accomplished. The Universe applauds YOU.

The brightest light shines from within. I AM KejRaj!


翻译:Nick Chan

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