

【Mother Sekhmet】12月17日《你是强大的创造性存在》

 2017-12-20 Nick Chan NickChan
Dear children of Earth, of ascending Gaia, hear me. I am your Mother Sekmet. Much has been written of me but eroded away through the sands of your time and history editions. It matters not. My message tonight, today, for you dear ones, is that of hope and finding your own inner strength, for this is currently a stumbling block for many who are unsure of how to begin, of how to proceed, of who they are. The amnesia has gone deep with many of you and it is time to wake up from the trance of forgetfulness! Listen to me roaring and stand at attention, for these are hard truths that must be heard, and understood, carried deeply into the most tender, and often forgotten, innermost places of you.

亲爱的地球之子,正在扬升的盖亚之子,请听我说。我是Mother Sekhmet有许多东西记述了我,但经由时间之沙和历史的编辑被侵蚀。这并不重要。我今晚,今天的信息,是希望,找到你内在的力量,因为这是现在对于许多不知道如何开始,如何继续,自己是谁的人来说一个绊脚石。遗忘是根深蒂固的,是时候从遗忘的恍惚中醒来!聆听我的呼喊,立正,因为这些是艰难的真理,必须被听到和理解,携带到最温柔,经常遗忘的,你内在的最深处。

Know deep in your heart of hearts how much you are loved and appreciated for your acts of service in this moment of planetary ascension. I am your Mother Sekmet. It is true, I am often silent, watching the progress of humanity as time floats  drifts by but it is my time to speak now, as is yours, Humanity. It is time to rise up and to speak your truth! Of what are you so afraid? And why are you afraid of it? Of anything? Dont you know who you are? You are gods and goddesses truly, as Zorra has said over and over again, and it is most true. You are made of starlight, of Gods light and you are becoming aware of this Now, we can see from the slightly higher up dimensions. I only say the wordslightly because your are rapidly rising and accelerating in your own individual and planetary vibrations.

在你内心深处知晓你是多么地被爱和感激,为你在地球扬升的此刻所做的服务。我是Mother Sekmet.确实,我经常是沉默的,看着人类的进展,随着时间漂浮---推移---但现在是我说话的时刻,正如是你的,人类。是时候站起来,述说你的真理!你害怕什么?为什么害怕它?你不知道你是谁吗?你是神和女神,正如Zorra再三说的,这是真的。你是星星之光,神之光创造的,你正在意识到这一点,我们可以从稍高点的维度看到。我只说“稍微”,因为你在快速提升和加速个体与行星的振动

I understand solitude and fear, for solitude has been a large part of my experience and my contribution to the All. In our solitary moments we find and face our deepest fears, do we not? We find that which we dislike in our inner most being and we either feed it or we change it. I see you facing the darker pieces of you and shining light and love on them. For many, this is the most terrifying moment for them, but can you see it is truly an illusion of their own creation? This is the moment that Humanity finds itself and it pleases me greatly that you are finding the strength within yourselves to rise above these fears of illusory mirages of your own making, and stand up in your own power. Find your lions roar and rise up, mane afire and hearts ablaze with love, only love, with the intention to never again create anything less than love  for anything else is an abomination to the All.


God is love. Source light is within you. It is within your cells spinning around like whirling light of love and ecstasy. Are you listening within for your own God roar or are you still waiting for something big to happen? You, my dear children, are what is happening, as you say! We up here are observing and wondering when you are going to acknowledge this and begin to roar, begin to make the changes that need to be made, money or not, and extend your hands in loving service to others, for in so doing you are healed as you serve. It has always been thus, but this universal truth, like many others, has been twisted, maligned and its true meaning buried. It is time for truths to rise up and rise out of your mouths as you begin to speak for those who have not found their own voice, and rise up for loves sake, and be love embodied. For this was the original intent of creation: love in form, creating, serving, loving, procreating.


So I charge you with this dear children of Earth; you are no longer lost. The finding is within you. It is time to unwrap this Christmas present of universal truth that you are who you have been waiting for, and you are loved beyond your current imaginings and comprehension. When you realize this fully, your world will change for your societies will respond only to love and service of the All.


You are not alone. Remember I am with you. I will be you companion for I am well acquainted with the dark night of the soul. When you face it, you become stronger. I am your Mother Sekmet. I see you as strong beings of creative potential, and I view you through the eyes of love.

你不孤单。记住我和你在一起。我会陪伴你,因为我很熟悉灵魂的暗夜。当你面对它,你变得更强大。我是Mother Sekmet我视你为强大的创造性存在,我通过爱的眼睛看待你

翻译:Nick Chan




 2017-10-31 阿斯塔 
Ashtar via Galaxygirl, October 30th, 2017

I want to take you on a journey today of the New Jerusalem, a ship that has piqued much interest of late, for it is fast approaching and the time draws near. There is much bustle and excitement in the air here for we long to become reunited with our brothers and sisters on the ground, the ground crew, our family. For we have been separated for so much longer than you realize and the road has been a long one.

We are here to reassure you that you are not alone, nor have you ever been or ever will truly be. For we are a huge, wondrously diverse family, spread across many star systems, experiencing different sagas and timelines – too numerous to contemplate. We are all here for you, with you, cheering you on and saluting you in your achieve and hard work. For the work load has been a relentless one, has it not? We too are weary but without the physical fatigue of a human form.

Do you know that we no longer refer to you as you have been accustomed, for you are no longer a mere human in a 3D form with severely dumbed down DNA; you are all becoming Galactic Humans. For you are no more limited than we are, you have just been conditioned to forget. And we are in the privileged position of trying to facilitate your remembrance. For there is much to remember.

Your experiences alone would fill up entire libraries for some. And I know you long to flip through those books that are recorded deep in the crystal core of Gaia’s library of souls and their achievements on her form. Yet the most important volume has yet to be published for you are still writing it! What are you going to write, friends? Do you know that we are all up here – and more nearby than you think in many cases – breathless in anticipation of the great saga of the human spirit, the human heart? For truly the stories you are writing, experiencing are traumatic for many as you transcend through the dross of much personal and collective suffering. For there has indeed been much suffering; much too much.

A new days is here, is dawning before our eyes and you, my friends, are the dawn of the new age. You are the light of this dawning age as you dive deep and reclaim the God spark of your self, of your I AM presence, who is even as I speak, guiding you homeward through the energies of these words.

You are loved. You are protected. You are cared for in ways you can not yet understand or appreciate. We are ironing out the wrinkles. We long to be reunited with you. Will you joyfully run out to greet us? Will you be the first to comfort and tell your families the magnificent stories of deliverance from the dross to the light? You are the light of the world as Master Jesus said many times. You are literally lighting it up. It is a beautiful site.

Shine your light brightly to us at night as you stand with your bare feet in the grass, grounding your energies into dear Gaia. Beam your light up to us in the ships and we will beam and dance back to you.

Be ready for newness. Be ready for change. Be excited and encouraged for all is in place and all is working seamlessly despite what you are continually shown. Remember, this is so much more than a financial deal. Remember your hearts in the process. Your future children may not recall what money is in time as things shift and change and everyone has all that they need. Do not let it control you; haven’t you had enough of control? Of servitude? Embrace the freedom that is coming your way.

We are the Galactic Federation. I am Ashtar. I bow to you. I salute you for your service to Gaia and to Humanity!


 2017-12-02 阿斯塔 
Ashtar viaJames McConnell, November 26th, 2017
I AMAshtar.
Thesetimes that we can be together are very fulfilling times, not only for us butfor those of you that are awaiting these many changes that are coming, thatsome that are already here.
But asalways, we always caution you to not look only to the future but to be in thepresent moment now. For that is all you have. You only have the now. The pastwill soon be forgotten in many respects. The future has not yet been written.But each and every moment of your life you are preparing that story that is yetto come.
And knowthis: as everything around you begins to crumble, everything that you’ve knownbegins to fall apart in many respects — it is not to spread fear, certainly,for we would never do that — but it is to let you know that the paradigm thatyou have come to understand in this 3-D illusionary world is coming apart … iscoming down.
要知道:你周围的一切都开始崩溃,你认识的一切在很多方面开始分崩离析——这不是传播恐惧,当然,我们不会这样做,但这会引领你知道你已经理解的模式…这个3 D幻相的世界正在崩溃…正在降临。

Each andevery day it comes down just a little bit more until one of these mornings youwill awaken and a paradigm that you have known for so long will begin to fallinto your rear view mirror and more and more will be forgotten because you willhave moved through this transition, through this ascension process. You willhave come into those higher vibrations that have been spoken of for so many,for so long now and you will know that you have finally arrived at what Sanandahas called the finish line; what others call the new beginning, the New Age ofGaia, the New Nova Earth. All of these things are yet the same.
But youyourselves are not going to be the same, not the same as you have always knownyourselves. For those of you that are the light workers, and many are nowbecoming the warriors, the light warriors, the ones that are ready to takeaction, the ones that are ready to move forward. We share the Sword of Lightand Truth which you will all be holding.
It is notonly Archangel Michael that carries the Sword. He has entrusted the Sword toall of you now as well. You will all be carrying this forth. All of those uphere on our ships are in preparatory mode to move at a moment’s notice as soonas that signal is given. We are expecting a great deal to occur in the verynear future. Much is about to shift and change.


You arereceiving much information now. Many truths are coming forward and those truthsshall indeed set you free. In order for those truths to come forward takes moreof you, more of you the light warriors, ones who are sharing the light now. Ittakes more of you to bring this about, to bring these truths to come forward.Because you are the audience. You are the ones these truths are meant for now.You are the ones that are in the awakening stages. You are also the ones thatwill assist others in awakening.
You haveheard many times without you we would not be able to do what we are doing. Andwithout us, you would not be able to do what you need to do going forward.
Expect nowin the next days and weeks a great many things to come forward, many truths tobe revealed. Some from unexpected places; unexpected ones to come forward. Youhave already heard of a few. More are coming forward. More are going to bringinformation, information that has long been in the shadows is now coming intothe light just as all of you are.
I AMAshtar. I will be with you very much so in this coming Advance. If not morephysically in person, certainly as a consciousness to be with you. All of mypeace and love be with all of you.
