【传 导】自动书写
【翻 译】shan-athana【阿什塔指挥部网站】《光之工作者:提升你们的光!》
【日 期】20150222
Lightworkers lift up your light 22/2/15 - (Automatic writing channeling.)
The time has come to let go of your fears. Fears of aging and sickness and poverty. In fear we shut the doors on the light.
We draw the very things that we fear closer to us through your vibrational offerings. Your vibrations are so important.
因此一定要提升频率,尽可能地清理,通过音乐、舞蹈、咒语、思想、书籍和游戏。Your vibrations should be raised and cleansed as much as possible; through music, dance, mantra, thought, books and play.
Your vibration changes everything. Your vibration draws what is high and good towards you. Your vibration can be felt by all those around you whether they believe in vibrations or not.
As leaders of creating the light you must create ways for people to raise their light. Find ways to help each and every person to find their own track to the light. Each person will sense what it is that creates the most light in and around them and must do their best to harness this light.
This positive glowing, radiant light- that light of creativity, of joy and of love. Find ways to bring people to this.
Lifting your spirits is of optimum importance for you all. If the goings on in your planet bring you into fear or states that keep you stuck, please change the direction that you are facing- Go out dancing, get happy somehow.
The world can’t fix itself when fear creates more fear. Fear can be alleviated with love. Only love is soft and accepting. Love can melt fear. But, there has to be enough of you standing in places of love to enable the planet to shift.
There has to be a critical mass to allow this planet to shift into the light so please lightworkers, don’t hesitate a moment to create that joy and light for yourself.
Everyone of you is important. Everyone of you glows for us and we see you and we help you to grow your light through ideas, thoughts and support. We grow your light, but help us first by shining and asking for our help.
Ask and be grateful in the same sentence. Remember that you chose all of this as well. You created it through your vibration and your past indications before you came back into physical form.
Be grateful as it lifts your spirit. Be grateful for this chance to grow again, to learn from this mirror which is life. To grow from the obstacles you set in your own path.
Gratitude finds ways over and around these obstacles. Being angry is like banging your head against the obstacle and you are only left with a sore head. Soo.. ask God and your light guides for help and be grateful for things as they are, and be grateful as things start coming your way.
As death is not the scary thing that you all make it out to be, the fear of death should be eradicated.
Death of the human form is so much more peaceful thank you think and know in this limited span. Do not fear death. If you have lived a good life from your heart, your time in the light will be infinitely joyful.
This is why we urge you to live from love, live from joy and most of all – live from your hearts. Live not from fear as this cripples your very nature.
Find your passions and share them with others. Vibrate highly and draw to you what you truly deserve.
Please find your way lightworkers. We love you and we help you so please ask and be grateful at the same time.
Please do this for all your planet. You may feel that you are just one person. One person such as Jesus changed the world. You can too.
Lift up your light, shine it bright!- You are much more supported than you know so please trust andlift up your hearts and minds-
We will be there to assist you. Please do this now- Get happy today. It matters to us all that you shine, for it is who you truly are.
You can start by making contact a little each day. Talk to us and it may be a while before you sense or feel us but keep the faith.
We are here and we show ourselves in many ways- Signs, songs, feelings and nature etc.. You need to get subtle to feel this. You need to learn to get still. It is worth the effort and journey we promise you.
The pay off in the end.treasures of love are infinitely worth any efforts you make. Feeling proud of yourselves for efforts in love always