“是的,还有很多事件,因为有些人只是被编成 - 如此严重的编成 - 他们不会相信他们不再有能力,或自封的权威,如你想的那样,去统治地球。他们已经一次又一次地证明,不仅你们中间觉醒的人,而且还有那些在他们之中的人都能看见,他们之间的分歧很多。他们已经证明,他们真的已经黔驴技穷了。贪婪是他们编程的一部分。他们根本不知道如何起来走出他们基于恐惧的现实。 但你做到了!!!我们做到了!!! 我很高兴地告知,他们 --让我们称之为“恐怖统治”,我们,这是一个适当的称呼--他们的恐怖统治正在结束!”
“现在你们可能有一些统治阶层成员 - 这些都是全球性的,不只是在美利坚合众国 --你们可能有一些领导者仍然想要鼓动发起战争。那么,首先,不会有任何核战争! 其次,任何发动战争的都会走向自我毁灭!”
“所以,正是因为这些原因,我告诉你,我们不会给出细节。我们只是想提醒你一遍,我们已经稳操胜券! 没有任何事可以出乎我们的意外。没有任何黑暗势力能够强加于世界的其它国家,当世界的其他国家如此清楚地想要走向不同的方向--如和平的方向和全体的自由; 实行了数千年时间的所有分离和不平等的状况已经结束了。他们不会是世界存在的方式了!”
“好了,我们要告诉你个好的方法,或者我们应该说,要做到这一点的最有效方式,是单纯地保持在高频能量里!我们知道你是人类,我们知道你仍在较低的三阶能量领域, 萨南达目前正在教导如何把他们带到更高的领域*--而不是放弃他们,因为那不会让你扬升 – 相比更高的精神领域,我们可以理解你们中许多人仍然允许它们支配你,那就从你自己的心开始吧。”
“所以,奉劝一句,此时我可以给你个建议,所有你所要遵循的是 关注并遵从你们的心! 现在看起来像是很简单。Sekhmet将对此提供更多的细节。你会喜欢上这些!**你需要做的是尽你所能去爱自己,不要感到内疚,不要谴责你自己,哦,即使现在在听的你是个蹲过监狱的人--你已被宽恕。即使你曾经夺走了别人的生命,你也已被宽恕!”
“如果你是一个战场上的士兵,并已进入一个村庄,参与并夺取了无辜者的生命 - 例如孩子 - 你已经被宽恕!此刻不是任何一种审判。只是,你需要做的是让自己进入一个更高自我的领域。回顾你自己从你出生以来,就像你现在看到的一样,你扮演了你的角色,你做了你来这里做的!它的目的就是让你原谅自己,无论你做了什么。我用杀人犯为例。”
“在这个地球上或地球之外没有人可以解除你携带的包袱-你内心的情绪和精神负担- 除了你自己! 这样会让你起来协助脱离编程,这不仅是对你自己,而是整个世界!”
“大多数人,在这一生中 --事实上我想说你们所有人 --在这一生中没有谋杀过任何人,但你可能在其他世这样做了。无论你抱持着怎样的一种自我评判,自我怀疑,没有自尊,无价值感的方式 – 那些是制造给你的些程式,因为他们被设计在这里面 - 我现在指的是你的较低的脉轮,特别是你的太阳神经丛。”
“现在我们知道仍有很多困扰,如我们所说的抑郁,不信任和失望,好吧,是的,3D游戏就是如此,还可能更多-- 如果你牵扯进去,如果你继续允许他们在你的生命内运行。所以我要对你说的是,亲爱的人,你们每一个人 --你不能等待别人把你拉高。我和你的指导者在这里来帮助你,但是你可以说,‘好吧,我准备好了!我想生活在我的更高的精神领域,那里只有爱,和平,丰盛和喜悦’-- 以及你作为个人和作为地球人类的集体意识想要的所有的东西!”
“如果你提出申请,每个人,都不是那么艰巨,这并不困难。这肯定比等待和希望整个世界都将实现这一点更有可能。你们中每一个要提升的人--尽管你可能不会永久在那里-- 你们中的每一个提升到高领域的存有-你会回头,并给其他人指明道路!”
“所以,我们在这里与你合作。我们在幕后做了这么多,甚至数不清楚。 它的目的只是让你知道现在是你发光的时刻了! 在这里,亲爱的人,我们与你在一起!所以,去发现你的爱之光,点亮他们,让你成为光,且光芒四射。你是化身在这里的神圣存有,在你所有生命表达形式之内,虽然你在一个人类的身体里。”
“你从来没有这样的机会,我向你保证,你一直在等待的转变就在这里。抓住他们!创造更高的愿景,并与世界分享, 在喜悦中! 无论你遇到什么场景,无论你对你的政府或任何机构有什么样的感受, 感谢所有的人! 从自身从现在开始,并感谢所有引领你改变的人。在构想你的愿景时,给予你衷心的帮助,并且知道你是让整个地球全面转变的一部分!”
“你不会有更好的机会去选择!不要在乎你的年龄,你生活在哪个国家,你的肤色,还有你的信仰 --只要你懂得去爱,真爱,无条件,高频的振动,爱是在高领域的答案。把它带进你自己,打开你的心,并分享它。亲爱的,与我们一起工作完成我们的使命!我们感谢并荣耀在这里一起合作的你们,来自宇宙各个星球的你的兄弟姐妹们就在你身边,在地球周围,就是如此。欢庆!”
Ashtar viaSusan Leland, January 24th, 2017
Ashtar: “StayHigh in Your Hearts and Light the Way!!!”
Ashtar On The RoadTeleconference – January 24, 2017
Ashtar: “StayHigh in Your Hearts and Light the Way!!!”
Ashtar On The RoadTeleconference – January 24, 2017
“Greetings, BelovedFamily! We are here with numbers so vast that it is an incredible– and yet credible because it is REAL -an accompanimentto what you have called forth here on Planet Earth, below, on and above. And I shall say this – Love is not only the Answer, Love is definingthe direction which the Planet is moving in even now!!!
“And yes, there is still a lotof activity, because there are those who simply are so programmed – sodeeply programmed – that they will not be convinced that they no longerhave the ability, or the self-given authority, if you will, to rule over thePlanet. They have proven time and again, not only to those of you who areawake and watching – but also to those who are among them -that they are muchgiven to disagreements amongst themselves. They have proven that theyreally do not have anything more to offer than more for themselves. Greedis a part of their programming. And they simply do not know how to get upand out of their fear-based reality. But you do!!! Wedo!!! And I am happy to report that their – let’s call it ‘reign ofterror’ shall we, that’s an appropriate name – their reign of terror is comingto an end!
“Now you may have someleadership members – and these are Worldwide, not just in the UnitedStates of America – you may have some among your leaderships who are stillwanting to beat the drums of war. Well, first of all, there is not goingto be any nuclear war! And secondly, any kind of war that isstarted is going to somewhat self-implode!!!
“We are not going to give youexact details in aerial locations, numbers, and any of that. That is fortwo reasons: One, the security of those who are working so diligently to bringPeace to all of the Earth, and secondly, because there are still opportunitiesfor individual timelines to change and come into Higher Alignment with whereyou are or where you want to go.
“So for those reasons, as I amtelling you, we are not going to give details. We only want to remind youonce more that WE HAVE EVRYTHINGWELL IN HAND!!! There is nothing that is going unseen. There isnothing that any of these dark hats are going to be able to impose upon therest of the World, when the rest of the World so clearly wants to go indifferent directions – the directions of Peace, for instance,and Freedom for all; the end of separation and inequality and all of thosekinds of situations that have been the program which has prevailed for eons oftime, millennia of time. They’re not going to be the way of the Worldanymore!
“Now we know you’ve heard thisand we know there are many different interpretations. We know that you,for instance, are Fabulous Creators, and that if you take a bit of this conceptof how Love is going to prevail and expand upon it, you will each come up witha different method or means of achieving this!
“Well, we’re going to tell youthe best, or we shall say, the most effective way to do this, is simplyto stay in the High energies!!!Now we know you’re human. We know thatyou still have the three lower chakras, and even though Sananda is currentlyteaching how to bring those up into a Higher level* – rather than to justtoss them out, because that’s not how you make your Ascensions – we canunderstand that many of you are still allowing them to speaklouder to you than your Higher Dimensional chakras, orHigher level chakras, beginning with your own Hearts.
“So a piece of advice that Ican give you in this moment and in all to follow is FOCUS ON ANDFROM YOUR HEARTS!!! Now that seems simple. Sekhmet is goingto go into more detail on that. You’re going to love this one!** But what you need to do is love yourselves as you are. Don’t feelguilty. Don’t condemn yourselves, even if you are, oh, sitting in a prisonsomewhere listening to this – you are forgiven. Even if you have taken the lifeof someone else, you are forgiven!
“If you have been a soldier ona battlefield, and have marched into a village and been a participant in takingthe lives of innocents – children, for instance – you are forgiven! This is not any kind of a judgment at all. It is simply that whatyou need to do is bring yourself into a Higher level of self-concept. Seeyourselves as you have been seen ever since you were born, and as you are seennow. You played your roles. You did what you came here to do! And it is for YOU to determine that it is to forgive yourselves, no matterwhat you’ve done. I have used a murderer just as an example.
“Most of you, in this lifetime– in fact I will say all of you – have not murdered anyone in thislifetime, but you may have done so in others. Whatever you’re holdingwithin yourselves in the way of self-judgment, self-doubt, low self-esteem, lowself-worth – those are creations and messages given to you because they areprogrammed in these – I’m talking about your three lower chakras, and inparticular your solar plexus area.
“There is no one – no one on this Earth orbeyond – who can lift the burdens that you are carrying from you– your innermost emotional and mental burdens – EXCEPT YOU!!! Andthat is how to get up and out of the programs and that is how to assist,not only yourselves, but the World!
“Now we know there are stillmany of those ‘d’s’ floating around, and we’retalking about things like depression, distrust, and disillusionments. Well, yes, the 3D programs are all those and more – if you buy into them,if you continue to allow them to run within your beings. So what I amsaying to you, Beloved Ones, each and every one of you – you do not have towait for someone else to lift you up. I and your guides are here toassist you, but it is up to you to say, ‘Okay, I’m ready! I want to livein my Higher chakras where there is only Love,Peace, Abundance, and Joy’ – and all of the things that you desire asindividuals and as the collective consciousness of the Humanity of PlanetEarth!
“If you will just apply this,each of you, to yourselves, it’s not so daunting, it’s not so difficult. It’s certainly much more possible than waiting and hoping that the entire Worldwill accomplish this. And every one of you who lifts up – eventhough you might not stay there permanently – every one of you wholifts up into the Higher levels of being – you, in turn, are showing theway for others!!!
“So, we’re here to partner withyou. We are doing so many actions behind the scenes that even Icouldn’t count them. It is only for you to know thatyour time to shine is now!!! And in that, Beloved Ones, we are withyou all the way! So turn up your Lights of Love, shine them forth, and bethe bright ones, the radiant ones, the Divine Beings that you came here to be,in all of your lifestyles and expressions, while you are here in your humanbodies!
“You have never had anopportunity such as this, and I assure you that the changes that you’ve beenwaiting for are here. Pull them in! Create High Vibe visions, andshare those with the World as well. And BE IN JOY!!! Nomatter what the picture may look like, no matter how you might feel about yourgovernment or any of your institutions, THANK EVERYONE INVOLVED!!! Begin with yourselves and go from there and thank everyone involved for showingyou what there is to change. Give it your Heartfelt assistance increating your visions, and know that you are a part of those who are here tomake these changes for all of Planet Earth, below, on and above!
“You couldn’t have chosen abetter time! Makes no difference your age, makes no difference whatcountry you live in, the color of your skin, or your spiritual beliefs– so long as you know that Love, True Love, Unconditional, HighVibrational, High Chakra Love is the answer! Bring it into yourselves,open your Hearts to it, and share it. That, Beloved Ones, ishow you work with us to accomplish our Mission! And wethank and honor you for being here to be in partnership with all of us, yourBrothers and Sisters who come to you from the Stars and the Universe, beyondPlanet Earth! And so it is. Salut!”
“Now we know there are stillmany of those ‘d’s’ floating around, and we’retalking about things like depression, distrust, and disillusionments. Well, yes, the 3D programs are all those and more – if you buy into them,if you continue to allow them to run within your beings. So what I amsaying to you, Beloved Ones, each and every one of you – you do not have towait for someone else to lift you up. I and your guides are here toassist you, but it is up to you to say, ‘Okay, I’m ready! I want to livein my Higher chakras where there is only Love,Peace, Abundance, and Joy’ – and all of the things that you desire asindividuals and as the collective consciousness of the Humanity of PlanetEarth!
“If you will just apply this,each of you, to yourselves, it’s not so daunting, it’s not so difficult. It’s certainly much more possible than waiting and hoping that the entire Worldwill accomplish this. And every one of you who lifts up – eventhough you might not stay there permanently – every one of you wholifts up into the Higher levels of being – you, in turn, are showing theway for others!!!
“So, we’re here to partner withyou. We are doing so many actions behind the scenes that even Icouldn’t count them. It is only for you to know thatyour time to shine is now!!! And in that, Beloved Ones, we are withyou all the way! So turn up your Lights of Love, shine them forth, and bethe bright ones, the radiant ones, the Divine Beings that you came here to be,in all of your lifestyles and expressions, while you are here in your humanbodies!
“You have never had anopportunity such as this, and I assure you that the changes that you’ve beenwaiting for are here. Pull them in! Create High Vibe visions, andshare those with the World as well. And BE IN JOY!!! Nomatter what the picture may look like, no matter how you might feel about yourgovernment or any of your institutions, THANK EVERYONE INVOLVED!!! Begin with yourselves and go from there and thank everyone involved for showingyou what there is to change. Give it your Heartfelt assistance increating your visions, and know that you are a part of those who are here tomake these changes for all of Planet Earth, below, on and above!
“You couldn’t have chosen abetter time! Makes no difference your age, makes no difference whatcountry you live in, the color of your skin, or your spiritual beliefs– so long as you know that Love, True Love, Unconditional, HighVibrational, High Chakra Love is the answer! Bring it into yourselves,open your Hearts to it, and share it. That, Beloved Ones, ishow you work with us to accomplish our Mission! And wethank and honor you for being here to be in partnership with all of us, yourBrothers and Sisters who come to you from the Stars and the Universe, beyondPlanet Earth! And so it is. Salut!”
Ashtar通过Susan Leland远程通讯 - 2017年1月24日
Ashtar通过Susan Leland远程通讯 - 2017年1月24日