


  2016-10-09 13:14:07     分类: 灵性觉醒


The Pleiadian-Sirian-ArcturianCouncil of Light:
我们在此"We are here now.

我们爱你们We love you.

We are you, from your future toassist you on your path.

伴随着巨大的喜悦,我们正在见证人类进入更高次元现实的里程,那是我们期待的扬升。With great joy we are witnessinghumanity's journey into the higher dimensional reality ofanticipated ascension.

的确,你们的灵魂知道你们制造了步入高次元的跳跃,通过你们不断创造新生活的渴望。Indeed, your soul knew all alongthat you are capable of making this leap into the higher dimension,through your continuing desire to create better.

Dear Ones, you have entered thegreat gateway and portal of the Third Wave and this boost of energywill be ongoing for the next few weeks for your spiritual,emotional and physical bodies.


Your physical,emotional andetheric DNA is currently being upgraded to the 7th dimensionalfrequencies.

12链DNA正在觉醒,包括你们的物质DNA、以太DNA和情绪DNA链。Your 12 strands of DNA areawakening, which include your physical DNA, etheric DNA andemotional DNA strands.

Your physical DNA isexperiencing now a higher amount of resilience and self repairattributes within the cells of your body. This activation willincrease over the next weeks.

情绪DNA也正在激活,从而可以保有更高爱的可能性,这是全部反向能量,释放旧的信念,它不再服务于你们。这些信念正在被合作、提升、深爱、欣赏和奉献所取代,它服务于一切万有的最高目标。Your emotional DNA is now beingactivated to hold a higher capacity of love, which is theall-transmuting energy to dissolve any old beliefs that do notserve you anymore. These beliefs are being replaced bycollaboration, upliftment, deep love, appreciation and thecontribution to the Highest Good of All That Is.

你们的以太DNA正在激活,你们能够更加强烈地连接你们称的看不见的世界,并与其彼此交互。Your etheric DNA is now beingactivated to a stronger connection and interaction with, what youcall, the un-seen world.

看不见的世界包括所有世界、过去/现在/未来以及平衡世界、你们的银河光之家族、天使、扬升大师、元素王国、动物意识、阿加森内部地球网络、水晶意识和行星意识,以及你们的高我。The unseen world includes allrealities, past/present/future and parallel, your Galactic Familiesof Light, the Angels, the Ascended Masters, the Elementals, theAnimal Consciousness, the Agartha Inner Earth Network, the CrystalConsciousness, the Plant Consciousness and your HIgherSelf.

从现在起,相信并知晓你们从这些国度看到的、感受到的、觉察与体验到的,协助你们的道路。From now on, trust and know whatyou see, feel, perceive and experience from these realms to assistyou on your path.

Dear Ones, the doors are nowwide open, to take great strides to step into the NewEarth.


对你们的爱无法测量You are loved beyondmeasure.

我们永远和你们在一起,永远We are with you...always.

We love you.

We are you.


Thank you,Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council

【翻 译】shan-athana
【日 期】20161002ENERGYUPDATE: WELCOME TO THE HIGHER DIMENSIONS! - From The GalacticCouncil of Light


